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Plange Ruchmehl – for trendy products with a high nutritional value and a pronounced taste

Delight your customers and set yourself apart from the competition with exceptional baked goods made with Ruchmehl – Swiss dark flour.


Visit us at the HOGA

Sunday, 15 January to Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Visit us at the südback

22-25 October 2016, Hall 1, Stand 1E61


DLG Gold Award for Plange Diavita 405 and 550

The strong wheat flours Diavita Type 405 and 550 have undergone strict scientific quality tests by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) and have been given the highest award – Gold.


Visit us at the SACHSENBACK in Dresden

9 -11 April 2016, Messe Dresden, Hall 1, Stand 1.201


Once again in 2016, more than 7,500 trade visitors are expected to attend the SACHSENBACK as the showcase for the industry.

